Sprint #1

Sprint Dates

All sprints will have the same due dates, but the sprint start and end dates are slightly shifted depending on when a team has their lab (2 hours) and lecture (50 minutes). This is so that sprints always start with a lec and follow the format lec-lab-lec-lab.

You can find a visual of the sprint schedule in the Agile Training Ceremonies page. More details will be covered in the agile training below.

Monday, 1/15: Martin Luther King Jr. Day (no Corporate Partner meetings/classes)

Lab (Mon/Tues) then Meeting (Thurs/Fri)

Meeting (Mon/Tues) then Lab (Thurs/Fri)

Sprint Start Date

*Mon 1/8

Mon 1/8

Sprint End Date

Wed 1/24

Sun 1/21

Due Date

Wed 1/24 by 11:59 PM ET

*Please note that sprint 1 starts on January 8, the first day of spring 2024 semester, for both schedules. Once we are in a regular sprint schedule, you will see the lab then meeting schedule shift to starting on Thursdays.

To Do

✓ Complete Training and submit your FERPA. * Submit FERPA due Wednesday 1/10 at 11:59 PM ET.

✓ Review your team rooster via Microsoft Teams by Wednesday 1/10 at 11:59 PM ET.

✓ Set up Kanban Board in MS Teams by Wednesday 1/10 at 11:59 PM ET.

✓ New TAs to attend TA Orientation on 1/10 9:00 - 9:50 AM ET in MRGN 129.

✓ Submit Team Report #1 due Wednesday 1/17 at 11:59 PM ET on Gradescope.

✓ Attend Monthly Meeting #1 on 1/17 in MRGN 129 (9:00-9:50 AM or 10:00-10:50 AM or 3:30-4:20 AM).

✓ Complete Time Sheet

  • Timesheet #1 due Sunday 1/14 at 11:59 PM ET.

  • Timesheet #2 due Sunday 1/21 at 11:59 PM ET.

Sprint Schedule (Returning Teams)

Team Meeting #1 (50 minutes):

  • Team Introductions

    • If your team has new mentors, TAs, or students spend some time during the first team meeting for team introductions and icebreakers.

    • Cameras are required to be on for all online meetings

  • Review updated project charter

    • Project Overview

    • Project Timeline & Sprint objectives

  • Weekly Deliverables

    • If your team has weekly deliverables, review the deliverables for this sprint

  • Task Assignment

    • Before the end of the meeting, assign background readings and prep work that students should prepare before the next lab.

      • This can include content from the charter or other materials you have found helpful in your preparation for the project

    • Record tasks and deadlines on the Kanban board in MS Teams.

Lab Section #1 (1 hour and 50 Minutes):

  • Begin lab by facilitating a discussion on Spring 2024 Team expectations.

  • Review the Spring 2024 Project Charter with your team.

  • Assign sprint tasks and deadlines to team members on the Kanban board in MS Teams.

  • A Data Mine staff member will stop by the lab sometime to provide support and answer any questions.

Team Meeting #2 (50 minutes):

  • This is a credit-bearing class; take attendance and make sure students have their cameras turned on.

  • Project Updates from students:

    • What have they been working on since the last sprint?

    • Were there any hurdles, roadblocks or barriers that they experienced while completing this week’s task?

    • What do they plan on committing to completing by the next mentor meeting?

  • Time for questions from students to mentor.

    • Questions related to the project.

    • Questions related to the company. (Internship, Full-Time Opportunities, and etc.)

  • Ensure students are assigned tasks to work on before meeting again in the next lab.

    • Record tasks and deadlines on the Kanban board in MS Teams.

Lab Section #2 (1 hour and 50 Minutes):

  • Start the meeting by taking attendance and having a daily standup with your team.

  • Assign sprint tasks and deadlines to team members on the Kanban board in MS Teams.

  • Collaboration and work-time with team members.

  • A Data Mine staff member will stop by the lab sometime to provide support and answer any questions.

Sprint Schedule (New Teams)

Team Meeting #1 (50 minutes):

  • Team Introductions

    • Mentors, TAs, and Students should introduce themselves to the team

    • Cameras are required to be on for all online meetings

  • Review Project charter

    • Company Overview

    • Project Overview

  • Before the end of the meeting, assign background readings and prep work that students should prepare before the next lab

    • This can include content from the charter or other materials you have found helpful in your preparation for the project

Lab Section #1 (1 hour and 50 Minutes):

  • NDAs & IP Agreements (as needed)

    • Some teams will be required to sign NDAs and IP agreements before they can start working on their project.

    • The Data Mine will facilitate the signing of NDAs and IP agreements through DocuSign. Please check your email and carefully review the agreement.

  • Agile Lego Activity

    • Review the instructions for this activity at the Agile Lego Activity page

    • A Data Mine staff member will be at your lab to help facilitate this activity

Team Meeting #2 (50 minutes):

  • Deep dive into the project

    • Mentors should review their project charter in more detail. This review should include:

      • Roles and Responsibilities

      • Timeline

      • Objectives

      • Data

      • Deliverables

      • Tools

      • Resources

    • Remember to leave time for questions from the student team

  • Before the end of the meeting, assign background readings and prep work that students should prepare before the next lab

    • This can include content from the charter or other materials you have found helpful in your preparation for the project

    • Please also consider start guides that are relevant to your project

Lab Section #2 (1 hour and 50 Minutes):

  • Begin lab by facilitating a discussion on Spring 2024 Team expectations.

  • Next, facilitate the Student Background Experience Assessment

    • ACTION ITEM: you will have to prepare this survey in Qualtrics before the lab

    • Use the data from this survey to align your team with the appropriate roles and responsibilities denoted by your project charter

  • Review the project charter with your team.

  • Assign sprint tasks and deadlines to team members on the Kanban board in MS Teams.

The Data Mine Video

Check out this video showcasing previous and current TAs!